What my clients are saying

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“Chelsea helped us truly define our brand and allowed us to take a step back to understand where we wanted to head as a brand and as a company.”

— Kelley Lentini & Berkeley Minkhorst, House of Nomad Design

House of Nomad Design

Charlotte-based interior design firm, House of Nomad, loved their name and their existing branding and design. But something about the way they articulated what they do didn’t feel totally aligned and reflective of their story.

After a customized workshop designed specifically to tackle their unique brand challenges, we got them clear on their message and committed to their differentiating travel point of view. Now, their content consistently illustrates how they bring a fresh approach to interior design by designing authentic, inspired spaces at the intersection of the love of home and the love of travel.

At the time, we were talking about swipe up feature alternatives for Instagram with less than 10k followers and their dreams of one day opening up a retail shop. A year and a half later, they have over 25k followers and a booming brick-and-mortar where they sell their most treasured finds from around the world.

Follow @houseofnomaddesign on Instagram for travel-inspired interior design tips

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took my canned messages and generic stock photos that didn’t feel like me and

brought my voice to the surface in a way that I could never have done for myself. She didn't just transform my brand — she transformed my business.”

— Danielle Jefferson, Jefferson James Consulting

Jefferson James Consulting


As a growing entrepreneur, Danielle was freaking pumped about bringing new clients into her consulting business. However, even with all that enthusiasm, something was still holding her back. Her brand didn't feel like her.

Sure, it was pretty and polished, but it was missing the key ingredient: her punchy personality. She spun her wheels for months, trying to nail the brand and message on her own, all the while holding herself back from going all out on marketing, reaching out to new leads or closing new business, leaving her feeling stuck and frustrated.

Together, we drilled down to the root of Danielle's offering, we defined her brand voice and tone, articulated her key messages and created a tool to help her leverage them. With a clear vision of her brand identity, we stockpiled loads of imagery that mirrored her vibe, created a color palette that was on point, designed a logo that screams sophistication, wrote copy that pops off the page, and brought it all together in a website that, quite literally, packs a punch. Not only did we bottle up her personality and manifest it in a cohesive brand that looks, feels and sounds like her, but we also armed her with the tools to bring her brand to life on social media and start crushing sales with confidence.

In the same week that Danielle launched her new brand, she simultaneously created two weeks' worth of punch-you-in-the-face, on-brand social media content on her own, and - wait for it! - signed her biggest paying client to date.

Follow @danielle_jeffersonjames on Instagram for tips on how level up your process

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“Chelsea helped me define my brand through defining my identity as the founder. Her fresh, authentic perspective and thoughtful approach to developing your brand is a reminder to us all: it is never too late to reevaluate, reinvent and grow your business.”

— Richard Gladson, RG Group Events

RG Group Events

Before deciding to start a business of his own, Richard had dedicated 25+ years of his career to planning out-of-this-world events and incentive trips. So it made perfect sense that his LinkedIn bio was littered with corporate jargon and industry buzzwords about his global event management experience.

However, through our discovery, we started to uncover way more than his copy originally let on. I learned that he’s always been an explorer. He loves the arts. He IS an artist. And that the way he approaches every event is exactly how you would a blank canvas. When it comes to his work, he elevates the ordinary.

These conversations became the foundation for the brand we eventually brought to life for him, and without the opportunity to truly learn and distill who he is as a person, we would never have been able to infuse that entrepreneurial artistry into his messaging or his design.

At first, he wasn’t sure he was even cut out to do this on his own. But by the end of our work together, up until the very last training on how to go-live on social media, the confidence in himself to run and own his business and his brand on his own solidified nearly overnight. He wholeheartedly believed he could do this — so he did.

Follow @rggroupevents on Instagram for all the artistic quality content


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